How to grow Plant stem cutting step by step - Asexual propagation by cuttings-


The type of asexual propagation in which cutting are the several plant pieces with at least one node. Various plant organs can be used for cuttings :stem ,root, or leaf cuttings. Cuttings are usually placed into a suitable rooting substrate and kept under high humidity until roots and shoots have formed. Plant propagation by cuttings can yield a high multiplication rate and produces plants with their own root system.


There are three processes involved in cuttings

  • Start with healing process
  •  The formation of new cells
  •     And root formation


  1. . Trim the leaves of selected shoots before cutting them off the stock plant, discard the terminal buds and leaves if they are too soft.
  2.   Place the shoot in to the bag through which the air cannot pass and also label the bag with every information about the shoot and also mention the date of cutting and put some drops of water  for humidity which keep the cutting fresh and keep the bag closed all the time.
  3.  Also care about heating during the transportation and put the cuttings into the cool medium and avoid the cutting from direct contact with the cooling substrate.
  4. When you are in nursery then keep in mind that put the cutting into the bucket of water or spray  on the cuttings frequently until the used or plant into the rooting substrate.
  5.    By using sharp knife or paper cutter cut the at least one or two node cuttings . cut the basal end of the cuttings straight at 0 degree or squarely and avoid to cut the base at 45 degree it m ay result in one sided root system.
  6.    Dip the basal end half or one cm into the rooting powder . rooting powder increase the rate of new generating roots.
  7.    Prepared the hole in to the rooting substrate . Rooting substrate may be sand, clay, peat mose or coco peat . the best substrate is peat mose for cuttings.
  8.    Label the cutting mention with date of setting, species name, clone number and treatment applied.
  9. Enter the information  on your assessment paper or type on your mobile or laptop with all interesting  information about the cutting and processes applied on the cuttings.
  10.   Spray the cuttings before closing the lid of the propagator  tightly to keep the humidity at 100% which help the cuttings to grow easily and give us the maximum result. 


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