layering plant propagation technique & its types


Layering is a  method of asexual propagation in which a shoot ids detached  from the mother plant after the roots formation. This method is similar to the other method of propagation that is called cuttings. Its multiplication rate is less than the cutting but it can yeild larger individual plant. It success rate is greater than the cuttings and we get a establish plant through layering.


1.       Simple layering
2.       Air layering
3.       Mound layering

Simple layering

The developing young shoots are bend into the ground about 15-20 CM below the tip and its shape is like English alphabet  “U” . this layering is done in dormant season. To improve on rooting success the shoots can be wounded or auxins   applied. After some time rooted stem is cut of and plant in the shady area. Keep in mind that the substrate used in layering kept moist. But not waterlogged all the time.

Air layering(marcotting)

This layering is applied almost all types of woody plants or trees. This layering produced small numbers of individual plants but established plants.
1.       Select the shoot above the marcot is between 20-60 CM to avoid large rooted shoots. A complete ring of1-5Cm is removed by making two encircling cuts and remove the bark between two rings
2.       Root promoting substances such as slurry of auxin powder can be applied and missed with fungicide.
3.       The rooting substrates is applied around the wound and after that tied into plastic and wrapped in aluminium foil . the aluminium foil preserve the moist and prevent the over heating the rooting substrate used in  layering which is light in weight  and its water holding capacity is high. Such as moss, coconut fibre, sawdust . you can also use the mixture of soil with any of these things.
4.       To improve the success rate remove the leaves are trimmed a few day before harvesting.
5.       After harvest the marcot should immediately placed into a container with water and potted up, using appropriate  light, high humidity, nutrition potting medium and place under shady area such as in a polypropagator.

       Stooling(mound layering)

It have been done with a plant which have severely cut back(2.5-5 cm above soil). If the are covered half of its height with soil or sawdust or other light substrate at the end of season roots are formed at the base of shoots which can then be cut off and planted into another pot and watering the root substrate well. The rate of new growing plants is not to less and it is very useful in shrubby plants .


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