Guava tree growing tips and care


It is a fruiting tree present in the tropical and sub-tropical region specially it is a native tree in central America, south America and Mexico.

Tips & Care

  1.         First of all, we can plant the guava plant in the pot as well in the backyard garden .it is very beautiful plant for the garden.
  2.          About the pot we can plant the guava plant in the 12 inch pot it will give us fruit but it is better to plant it in the pot of 22-28 inch pot it will give us very impressive result.
  3.          The guava plant start fruiting after one year even in the pot
  4.          Keep in mind that if your plant is in the pot then put the tray under the pot and fill it with water it will fulfill the requirement of water specially in summer season.
  5.          Due to summer the colour of the leaves of guava plant become dull so don’t worry about it.
  6.          We can be propagate the guava plant through cutting but cannot gives you better result specially in Pakistan and India where the temperature touch the 50 Degree.
  7.          The air layering and the seedling these are the two best method for the propagation of guava plant.
  8.          Pruning is very important for the fruit tree it keep your plant healthy.
  9.          Notice that before fruiting season drop all the leaves of plant then through their new shoots grow and new shoots gives us maximum fruit
  10.          The fruiting season of guava plant is two time in a year that is march and September.
  11.          When you grow the guava plant in the pot then the ratio of the soil is 1:3 its mean three-part soil and one-part natural fertilizer.
  12.          You can also use peat moss, coco peat and other rooting substrate.
  13.           If you think that your plant cannot give you maximum fruit or growth rate of your guava plant is slow then you can put the natural fertilizer in the pot.
  14.          If you want to change the variety of your guava plant, then budding is best way to change the variety of you plant specially patch budding.


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