Tobacco Smoking  facts & effects


Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, of which more than 70 are known to cause, initiate or promote cancer are called carcinogens. Smoking cigarettes causes many types of cancers. 

How a person become a smoker?

  1. Lack of education is a reason when a person or a student does not know about smoking and their side effects on the human life.
  2. When a person is under the social pressure or in tension of family specially when its financial power is low then he became in tension or under pressure and that’s why he become a smoker.
  3. Some peoples become a smoker for their fashion upgrade their standard. They think this is a fashion but those people donot know how much smoking is injurious for their health. 
  4. When the smoking is cheap in price then more and more people become smokers.
  5. Bad communities are the big reason in the increasing in the smokers.
  6. No strictness by the Government increase in smokers.
  7. Now these days’ cigarettes are easy available in schools and college and mostly in university.

How to get rid of smoking?

  • First of all, you think about your family think if you become expired the after that how your family live without you.
  • Always be cool and away from external pressure or tension.
  • Don’t think about the past days of smoking and never think about smoking.
  • Look forward about your life and your family.
  • Think about your financial power that how much money you waste on smoking instead of using these moneys on family.
  • Let you use some other think instead of smoking cigarettes such as bubble gums and almond etc.
  • Keep away cigarettes from yourself and your family.

Top deadly diseases smoking causes

  • Lung cancer
  • Heart diseases
  • Stroke
  • Asthma
  • Reproductive effects in women
  • Premature, low birth-weight babies
  • Diabetes
  • Blindness, Age-related macular degeneration and Cataracts
  • Over 15 types of cancers

Being smoke free can prevent 15 types of cancer

Chemicals in cigarettes smoke enter into blood stream and can then affect the entire body. This is why smoking causes many diseases including these 15 types of cancers

  1. Nose and sinuses cancer
  2. Mouth cancer
  3. Upper throat cancer
  4. Larynx cancer
  5. Oesophagus cancer
  6. Lungs cancer
  7. Liver cancer
  8. Stomach cancer
  9. Kidney cancer
  10. Pancreas cancer
  11. Bowel cancer
  12. Ovary cancer
  13. Bladder cancer
  14. Cervix cancer
  15. Leukaemia cancer

Cigarettes contain danger poisons

  • Acetone
  • Cyanhydric acid
  • Naphtylamine
  • Ammoniac
  • Methanol
  • Urethane
  • Pyrene
  • Toluene
  • Naphthalene
  • Nicotine
  • Cadmium
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Vinyl chloride
  • DDT
  • Polonium 210
  • Arsenic


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