Budding in plant-Defination and its Type


     A special form of grafting in which the scion consist of  one or more bud. It is more economical and easy way of asexual propagation as more scion can be produced from a single mother tree.  A mother plant have many buds so we can produced many scion form a single plant and that’s why the is a very cheap way of sexual propagation.


There are two types of budding

  1.  T – budding
  2.    Patch  budding


T- budding

    This is the main type of budding which is mostly used in the propagation of citrus plants such as lemons, oranges and kinoes and many more in  the budding a bud is cut down from the  mother plant as a scion and on the other side a T shaped cut on the rootstock with special grafting knife and put the scion into the T shaped cut form on the rootstock. It is generally limited to the small nursery stock of between 6-25 mm diameter which is actively growing and after that wrap the bud from grafting tape and avoid the rootstock from direct sun light after 20-25 day in the shady area the scion attached the rootstock and cut down all the shoots growing from the rootstock. This budding is also used in  roses plants for giving many colourful and interesting varieties.

Patch budding

This  method of propagation is widely used for the tropical trees with thick barks such as rubber trees and also in some fruits plants such as guava. It can be used  on stock plant as big AS 10 CM diameter. In this type of budding a patch from the rootstock and by using with double bladed knife a matching pieces of bark with atleast one but is cut from the budwood as a scion and matched into the the prepared rootstock. Keep in your mind that  the shape of patch is rectangular as same as scion shape and then    wrap the patch  from grafting tape and avoid the rootstock from direct sun light after 20-25 day in the shady area the scion attached the rootstock and cut down all the shoots growing from the rootstock. By these way you can easily propagate many plants not only for domestic but also for  commercial level in you business.


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