Forestry-Classification of forestry, defination and statistics


It is Community of flora and fauna which is dominant by woody vegetation.
Pakistan has about the 4.8% of its total area covered with forests which is very low as the desired area of 20% to 30% of the total area.
Over 2 billion people rely on forests directly through water, food, fuel, fruits and paper and indirectly such as medicines and detergents.
Forests provides jobs more than 13 million peoples across the world. 300 million people live in the forests including 60 million indigenous people between 1990 and 2015, the world lost some 129 million ha of forest an area of the size of south Africa. There are many advantages of forests from ecological point of view, the provide us oxygen and clean our environment. It is the home of many wild animals, it reduced the flood risk, they are the source of timber and medicines. And use in construction.


The theory and practice of all constitutes the creation, conservation and scientific management of forests and the utilization of their resources on sustained basis.
National Commission of agriculture (1976) proposed that forests can be classified into;

·         Protection Forests

                           The practice of managing the forests for their protection function are called Protection forestry. The object is protect the site due to instability of terrain, nature of soil, geological formations etc. such areas where manipulation of the forest cover is not desirable may be classed as protection forests


          Production forests

     The practice of forestry with object of producing maximum quantity of timber, fuel wood and other forest produce is called Production forestry. The production forestry can be further classified into:

1.        Commercial forestry;
 Commercial forestry aims to get maximum production of timber, fuel wood and other forest products as business enterprise.
2.       Industrial forestry;
Industrial forestry aims at producing raw material required for industry. In production forestry, there is a greater concern for the production and economic returns.

·         Social forests;

It is the practice of forestry which aims at meeting the requirement of rural and urban population. The object of social forestry is to meet the basic needs of community aiming at bettering the conditions of living through;
1.       By the people
2.       For the people
3.       Of the people
Ø  Community forestry
The forestry for the benefit of local population is called co0mmunity Forestry
Ø  Farm forestry
The practice of forestry in all aspect on farms of village lands generally integrated with other farm operations.
Ø  It included the activity of raising trees on farm lands, villages wastelands and community forest areas and on the sides of the roads and railway lines .

·         Agro-forestry:

The sustainable  land management system which increases the yield of the land. combine the production of crops and forests trees on the same unit of land and applies management practice that are compatible with the cultural practices of the local population.

·         Recreational forestry

The practice of forestry with the object of developing and maintaining forests of high scenic value. Recreational forests are being developed  near towns and cities. It is for the better atmosphere of the towns and the cities.


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