Verbal & nonverbal Communication-Definition, Process and barriares and types

What is Communication?

¡  Communication is derived from Latin word “Communis”, which means “To Share”.
¡  It can be sharing of ideas, concepts, feelings & emotions.


“Communication means interacting with people, talking, making friends , having relationship either work related or private life relationships” .
Communicating with other is essential in leading a normal life.

Types Of Communication

¡  There are two types of Communication
¡  Verbal Communication
¡  Non Verbal Communication

Communication Process

¡  Communication is a two way process.
¡  Sender to receiver (message)
¡  Receiver to sender (feedback)

Barriers In Communication

  • ·         Noise
  • ·         Language difference
  • ·         Emotions
  • ·         Assumptions
  • ·         Unappropriated medium
  • ·         Distractions
  • ·         Poor listening skills

Importance of Effective Communication

To Avoid
1.       Miscommunication
2.       Misunderstanding

Verbal Communication

¡  It means communicating with Words, Written or Spoken.
¡  Verbal Communication consists of speaking, listening, writing & reading.

Characteristics Of Verbal Communication.

¡  Consider the Objectives .
¡  Be Sincere.
¡  Use Simple language.
¡  Be Brief & Precise .
¡  Assume Nothing.
¡  Use Polite Words & Tone.
¡  Say something interesting and pleasing.


¡  More personal and informal
¡  Makes immediate impact
¡  Provides opportunity for interaction and feedback
¡  Help us correct ourselves ( our messages according to the feedback and non verbal cues from the listener )
¡  It is fastest and less expensive


¡  It can be quickly forgotten.
¡  A word once uttered cannot be taken back.
¡  There is no legal evidence of oral communication.
¡  Impact may be short lived.
¡  Very difficult to be conscious of our body language.

Barriers to Effective Verbal Communication

¡  STATUS- formal and informal status levels affects effectiveness of face to face communication.
¡  COMPLEXES- lack of confidence or sense of superiority.
¡  ABSTRACTING- it is partial and selective listening, leading to loss of information.
¡  LANGUAGE BARRIER- listener should be familiar with the language used by the speaker.
¡  In Verbal Communication :
Words account for only     -   7 %

Modulation                            38 %
Total                   -                    45%

Non Verbal Communication

¡  Non verbal communication includes all unwritten and unspoken messages, both intentional and unnational.

Types of Non Verbal Communication

Kinesics Communication     Meta Communication
-          Body language                        - Through words ,
depicting alternate
-          Includes behavior                   - Show latent meaning.


¡  Non verbal communication flows through all acts of speaking or writing.
¡  They are wordless messages.
¡  Is a creative activity , which comes through stimuli produced by the mind.

Importance of Non verbal Communication

¡  A person to have quality communication skills must possess the knowledge of non verbal communication .
¡  As compared to words and vocal variety non verbal communication matters a lot.

Types of Non Verbal Communication

Form of Nonverbal Communication
¡  Eye Contact
¡  Facial Expressions
¡  Posture
¡  Haptics or Touch
¡  Gesture
¡  Personal Space

Eye Contact

Eye contact in nonverbal communication is a communication of express without using a single word. Eye contact also establish the nature of relationship.

Face Expressions

In face expression  your face expression can communicate happiness, sadness, fear or anger.

Haptics or Touch

The communication through touch . it is a characteristics in which communication  occur through physical contact.


Physical body action  send message to another receiver and communication take place.


Its about you how you talk , sit, walk , stand or indicate your mood but also your  personality in general.

Personal Space

The space between you and the other people . there are the invisible boundary between you and others.


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