Conservation of Biodiversity

Conservation of Biodiversity

The threat to biodiversity is the hot topics discussed at the UN World summits. It’s become a global concern. Many biologists urge the national police makers to state a set of rules and regulation necessary to protect a species. Every person who love from biodiversity demand the new and powerful laws for define species which are threatened by extinction and must be protected.
Pakistan is rich in biodiversity and is famous in all over the world. But in last few years Pakistan is also faces many threats to its animals and plants species. Loss of natural habitats is the greatest concern now these days in Pakistan.  Human population is increase Day by day because of very high birth rate in country and Pakistan do nothing at this hot topic. In addition, low in literacy rate is also a reason for the failure of conservation measures taken so far. The IUCN & WWF-P work close coordination with Pakistan ministry of environment and other government and non-government institutions. The IUCN has prepared the first national red list.
Following are the few examples of environmental work to conserve the species,

National conservation strategy

 In 1980s IUCN and Pakistan government formulated the NCS, for the conservation of Pakistan’s biodiversity.

UN convention on combating desertification

It is international treaty against damage and poverty drylands. Pakistan signed this in 1997.

Himalayan Jungle Project

It is started in 1991 in Palas Valley in KP. It aimed to protect the one of the richest area of biodiversity.

Northern Area Conservation Project

The northern areas of Pakistan are rich in habitat of wildlife species. It bans on the hunting in these areas.

Conservation of biodiversity of Suleiman range, Baluchistan

Suleiman Range Chilghoza Forest is the largest Chilghoza forest in the world. In 1992, The WWF-p started its conservation program.

Conservation of Migrated birds in chitral, KP

Chitral lies is the route of many important bird species these birds face pressure of heavy hunting. WWF-P start to reduce the hunting in 1992 and it proved successful.

Ban on games

 Foreign visit the northern areas and play games in which bears are used. WWF-p has been successful in imposing ban on illegal practice.

 Conservation of Chiltan Markhor

HazaraganjiNational Park is located close to Quetta and is the only remaining habitat of Chiltan Markhor in country. WWF-p manage plan for this park


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