Importance of Environment-and relationship  of Human behavior and Human Health with Environment

Importance of  Environment

Environment is the sole factor for existence of life on earth. Without it, there can be no life on earth. n solar system there are other big planets but, have no life due to lack of environment.

1.       For healthy  living: 

       To  have a healthy life one needs fresh air clean water supply and tidy surrounding. If air and water are polluted and surroundings  are filthy then we are prone to fatal health disorders.

2.       Better soil:

      Soil is the other component of the environment. Soil is useful for growth of plants and many other sources of food for humans and animals. The top soil layer is very good for the growth of food and seed germination.

3.       Better water :

      Water comprises nearly 80% of total body mass. It is the medium for all the reaction and physiological processes in the body. If the water contaminated by filth or toxin or even disease causing microbes like bacteria, then that water is a great risk to drink.

4.       Better rainfall:  

      Rainfall is one of the step of water cycle on the earth. Without rainfall there will be no water on the earth. This rainfall depend upon the trees and green vegetation around  to shower as the clouds need to be cooled to form droplets. The presence of plants, trees is essential in the environment for rainfall, fresh air and water.

Importance of Environment for humans

1.       For food:

      Food materials obtained from plants, animals and natural sources. W obtain carbohydrates, fats, proteins from plants. From animals we obtain meat(protein), milk, eggs, honey.

2.       For shelter:

        The required building material including furniture is  obtained from the environment.

3.       For clothing:

      The clothing requirements like cotton fibers, wool, jute are provided from plants and animals.

4.       For medicine: 

      We obtain many medicines from nature like from medicinal plants, animals etc. These medicines are compatible to humans with mineral or no side effects than artificial drugs.

Importance of Environment for health

1.       Stress free life:

      A healthy environment is good for stress free life. A person in sitting in an office or closed room is prone to more stress than the one working in open environment like farms, seashores etc. In healthy environment there is less pollution of all sort so there is good  for health due to abundant fresh air and low toxins.

2.       Pleasant living:

      To those who wish  to live a pleasant life, it is better to build a home in place of environment bliss like seashore or in between farms etc. one experiences peace of mind, low disturbance in mood in such places.

3.       Prevent spread of diseases: 

      There is very much chance for spread of diseases in closed environments where there are many people confined to small space. Many epidemic diseases spread fast in such places.

Human Environment interaction

The human environment interaction has five major components. These components are briefly described below:

1.       Physical Environment:

       It includes aspects of natural environment such as climate, terrain, temperature, rainfall, flora, fauna, etc.

2.       Social Cultural Environment:

      It includes all aspects of cultural environment such as norms, custom, process of socialization, etc. It include all the aspects dealing with other people and their creations.

3.       Environmental orientations:

      It refers to the beliefs that people hold their environment. For example, some people hold environment equivalent to god and therefore they perceive all its aspects with respect and reverence and try to maintain it in a perfect form and do not degrade it.

4.       Environmental Behavior:

      It refers to the use of environment by people in the course of social interactions. For example, considering the environment as personal space, where the individual identifies himself with it.

5.       Product of behavior:

      These include the outcomes of people’s actions such as homes, cities, dams, school, etc. That is, these are product or outcomes dealing with the environment.


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