Five Kingdom Classification System-Biology


The general characteristics of the five kingdom are as follow;

Kingdom Monera

This kingdom includes the prokaryotic organisms i.e. they are made of prokaryotic cells. monerans are unicellular organisms. Although some types form chains, colonies or clusters of cells prokaryotic cells are radically different from eukaryotic cells. In this kingdom the nuclear envelope is absent and in cell wall there is no cellulose and their mode of nutrition is autotroph or heterotroph and multi-cellularity is absent. In this kingdom there are two different kinds of organisms i.e. bacteria and cyanobacteria most are hetero trophic but some perform photosynthesis. This is the first kingdom in the five kingdom system in which bacteria is involved.

Kingdom Protista

This kingdom includes eukaryotic unicellular and simple multicellular organisms. There are three main types of this kingdom the nuclear envelope is present; cell wall is present in some forms various types. Mode of nutrition is combination and photosynthesis and multi-cellularity is absent in most forms.

  • Algae

Algae are unicellular simple multicellular or colonial. They are similar to the plant cells with cell walls and chlorophyll in chloroplasts. In this simple multicellular means that they donot have multicellular sex organs and do not form embryos during their life cycle.

  • Protozoans

They are like animals whose cells are like animal cells because of lack of chlorophyll and cell walls in their cells.

  • fungi-like

Some protists are fungi-like

Kingdom Fungi

It includes eukaryotic multicellular heterotrophs which are absorptive in their nutritional mode. The main example is mushrooms. In this kingdom the nuclear envelope is present and cell wall is chitin and in this mode of nutrition is absorptive heterotroph and multi-cellularity is present in most form. Most fungi are decomposers. They live on organic material, secrete digestive enzymes and absorb small organic molecules formed by digestion by enzymes.

Kingdom Plantae

 It includes eukaryotic multicellular autotrophs. Plants are autotropic in their nutritional mode. In this kingdom the plants making their own food by this the nuclear envelope is present and cell wall there are cellulose and other polysaccharides and in mode of nutrition is photosynthesis process and multi-cellularity is present in all forms. They have multicellular sex organs and form embryos during their life cycles. Mosses ferns and flowering plants are included in this kingdom.

Kingdom Animalia

It includes eukaryotic multicellular consumers. Animals live mostly by ingesting food and digesting it within specializedcavities. the nuclear envelope is present and cell wall is absent and mode of nutrition is ingestive heterotroph. The multi-cellularity is present in all forms. These organisms show movement.


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