Fungi Characteristics its Effects & Morphology


Fungi are small, microscopic, usually filamentous, achlorophyllous, branched, spore bearing organisms that have cell wall. Fungi do not have any nucleus that why they are eukaryotic. And like in plant cell their cell also has cell wall. They have their own kingdom in five kingdom system, “the kingdom fungi”. In fungi the nuclear envelope is present.The cell wall in fungi is chitin. Their mode of nutrition is absorptive heterotroph. In fungi the multi-cellularity is present in most form. Most fungi are decomposers. They live on organic material, secrete digestive enzymes and absorb small organic molecules formed by digestion by enzymes. And all the characteristics is present which is related to the kingdom fungi. The biggest example of fungi is mushroom. The fungi may be useful and harmful. Some of the fungi is eatable and human use in their meal,Like mushroom.

Characteristics of Fungi:

Fungi may be unicellular such as yeast or multicellular such as hyphae.
Fungi live as parasites or saprophytes i.e. they absorb nutrients from other living or dead organisms.
Cell wall is similar in structure to plants but differ in chemical composition. Fungi cell walls are composed of mostly of chitin and plant cell walls are composed mostly of cellulose. Fungi reproduce by releasing spores that are produced sexually or asexually.

Effects of Fungi:

The effects of fungi are useful as well as harmful as given below;

Useful Effects:

Some fungi are edible like mushrooms.
Fungi decompose dead organic matter.
Fungi are used in fermentation process like to make bread rise, to ferment vine and used in formation f cheese.

Harmful Effects:

Some fungi are pathogenic to humans and animals and cause fungal infections and allergies.
Fungi produce toxins such as ergot alkaloids and aflatoxins.
Some fungi release toxic chemicals called mycotoxins that can result in poisoning or death.
Various fungi can also cause serious damage to harvested fruits, vegetables and other crops.

Morphology of Fungi:

Fungi can be divided into two basic morphological forms;

Unicellular Fungi

Yeast are unicellular fungi which reproduce asexually by budding or fission.

Multicellular fungi

Hyphae are multi-cellular fungi which reproduce asexually and sexually.


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